Call for nominations for AAG RSSG officers

Dear AAG Remote Sensing Specialty Group (RSSG) members:

We invite nominations and self-nominations for officer positions in the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Remote Sensing Specialty Group (RSSG). As one of the largest AAG specialty groups, RSSG is dedicated to fostering an understanding of remote sensing science, encouraging dialogue among geographers engaged in remote sensing research, instruction, public service, and private enterprise. We encourage our members to consider serving in these vital roles within the Remote Sensing community.

The following six officer positions are open for nominations/self-nominations for the 2025–2027 term:

Vice Chair (1 position)

  • The Vice Chair assists the Chairperson in planning, organizing, and executing RSSG activities and initiatives. In the Chairperson’s absence, the Vice Chair will fulfill all duties, responsibilities, and decision-making roles of the Chair. The Vice Chair is expected to transition to the role of Chairperson for the 2027–2029 term.

Secretary/Treasurer (1 position)

  • Main responsibilities include recording meeting minutes and submitting them to the Board of Direction and AAG Central Office, maintaining RSSG’s financial records, presenting an annual financial report to the Board, reporting RSSG activities to the AAG Council and Central Office, and other duties assigned by the Chair.

Directors (2 positions)

  • Main responsibilities include overseeing Student Co-Directors in organizing the student paper/poster award competition, coordinating the AAG annual meeting, and attending RSSG board meetings.

Student Co-Directors (2 positions)

  • Responsibilities include organizing the student paper/poster award competition, coordinating the AAG annual meeting, and attending RSSG board meetings.

To submit a nomination or self-nomination, please include a biographical sketch of the nominee (using the attached template) and email it to both:

Deadline: 6:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Election: Online voting will take place from Monday, February 17, through 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday, March 17, 2025. Election results will be announced during the RSSG Business Meeting at the 2025 AAG Annual Meeting.

For more information on AAG RSSG, please visit

Thank you for your support!

Caiyun Zhang